lørdag 31. august 2013

በሬ ሆይ ሳሩን አየህና ገደሉን ሳታይ” እንዳይሆን እንጠንቀቅ

ቢከፍቱት ተልባ የሆነውና ላይ ላዩን ሲያዩት ልማት የሚመስለው የወያኔ ኢኮኖሚ “ልማትና እድገት” የገንዘብ ካፒታል የሚያገኘው እንደሌሎቹ በእድት እንደሚገሰግሱ ታዳጊ አገሮች የእንዱስትሪ ሸቀጥ አምርቶ ለአለም ገቢያ አቅርቦና ሽጦ አይደለም። ተሰራ የተባለው ብልጭልጭ ነገር ሁሉ የሚሰራው የድህነት ጌቶች “Lords of Poverty” በሆኑት አለም አቀፍ ተቋሞችና ሀገሮች በሚገኝ እርዳታ ነው። ወያኔ እራሱ በፈጠሩ ችግር ተሰዶ በውጭ የሚኖረው ኢትዮጵያዊም ለወዳጅ ዘመድ የሚልከው የውጭ ምንዛሬም ሌላው የወያኔ የገንዘብ ምንጭ ነው። በዚህ ላይ የሀገሪቱ የተፈጥሮ ሀብት የሆነውን ለም መሬት በገፍ ለባዕድና ለሀገር ውስጥ የወያኔ ቤተኞች በመቸብቸብ የሚገኝ ገንዘብ አለ። መቼም ኢትዮጵያዊው በገዛ ሀገሩ የኩርማን መሬት ባለርስትና መብቱ ከተነጠቀ ቆይቷል። ዛሬ ኢትዮጵያ ዉስጥ ባለርሰተቹ ወያኔና ጉጅሌዎቹ ብቻ ናቸው።
የሀገሪቱ የገንዘብ ሀብት ብዙ ጊዜ የሚገባው ከግርጌው በተቀደደ ቋት ውስጥ ስለሆነ ለዘላቂ ልማትም ሆነ ገንዘቡን ለሚቀራመቱት ወያኔዎች በቂ አልሆነም።

Ethiopia arrests top security official

His arrest may be a prelude to the arrest of Azeb Mesfin, aka "Mother of Corruption" 
August 31, 2013

Her liutenants are being rounded up for corruption ... and it may be a matter of time before she joins them at Kaliti
WASHINGTON, DC - A top Ethiopian security official has been arrested on corruption charges, a radio affiliated to the ruling party said on Friday.
The official, Woldeselassie Woldemichael, a close friend and confidant of Azeb Mesfin, the widow of the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, was thrown into jail as part of the ongoing hunt for officials who have amassed wealth on grounds of corruption.Woldeselassie was a close friend of Gebrewahd Woldegiorgis, former deputy head of Revenue and Customs Authority, who has been in jail for months accused of corruption.
Observers say the arrest of the ranking security official could be a prelude to the arrest of Azeb, who is billed "Mother of All Corruption" in the country

Ayana kebede, sjekk ut den siste videoen fra kanal-abonnementene dine for 30. aug. 2013.

onsdag 28. august 2013

ለእምነት ነፃነት የምናደርገውን ትግል ለሰብዓዊ መብቶች መከበር፣ ለዜግነት ክብር እና ለሀገር ነፃነት ከምናደርገው ትግል ጋር እናቀናጅ!!!

ትንሽነቱ በፈጠረበት ስጋት ምክንያት ሁሉንም ነገር ካልተቆጣጠረ በጉልበት የያዘውን ሥልጣን የሚያጣ የሚመስለው እና በዚህም ሳቢያ ሁሉም ነገር ውስጥ እጁን የሚነክረው ወያኔ ራሱን በገዢነት ከሾመበት እለት ጀምሮ የሃይማኖት ተቋማትን ሙሉ በሙሉ ለመቆጣጠር እንደተጋ ነው። በእኛ በኢትዮጵያዊነት ዳተኝነት ታግዞም ትጋቱ ውጤት እያስገኘለት ነው።
ወያኔ፣ የኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቤተክህነትን ከፓትሪያርክ ጀምሮ እስከ ደብር አለቆች ድረስ ያለው መንፈሳዊ ሹመት ተቆጣጥሯል። አሁን የቀየረው የቤተክርስቲያኒቷን ሃይማኖታዊ ቀኖናን መቀየር ነው። ወያኔ በሥልጣን ላይ ከቆየ ይህንንም ከማድረግ የማይመለስ መሆኑን በእስልምና እምነት ላይ ተግባራዊ እያደረገ ካለው መገንዘብ ይቻላል።
ልክ እንደ ክርስትናው ሁሉ ወያኔ የኢትዮጵያ እስልምና ጉዳዮች ጠቅላይ ምክር ቤትን (መጅሊስ) በራሱ ካድሬዎች ሞልቶት ሙሉ በሙሉ ተቆጣጥሮታል። እስልምና ላይ ግን የሃይማኖት ተቋማትን ከመቆጣጠር አልፎ በቀኖና ጉዳይ በመግባት የራሱን “ምርጥ እስልምና” እያስተዋወቀ ነው። ዛሬ በሙስሊሞች ላይ የመጣው ነገ በክርስቲያኖችም ላይ የሚመጣውን አመላካች ነው።
እርግጥ ነው ክርስቲያኖችና ሙስሊሞች የወያኔን ጥቃት በፀጋ አልተቀበሉትም። ሁሉም በየራሳቸው መንገድ የወያኔን ሁሉን-ጠቅላይ አገዛዝ እየተቃወሙትና እየታገሉት ነው። ዛሬ የወያኔ ጥቃት የደረሰበት ደረጃ ግን የሁለቱን ሃይማኖቶች አማኖችን ኅብረት የሚጠይቅ ሆኗል። ወያኔ ደግሞ በበኩሉ ይህ መከባበርና መተባበር እንዳይኖር ጥረት እያደረገ ነው።
የሁለቱም ትላልቅ ሃይማኖቶች ምዕመናን ለእምነታቸውና ለእምነት ተቋሞቻቸው ነፃነት በሚታገሉበት በአሁኑ ሰዓት “ጅራፍ እራሱ ገርፎ ራሱ ይጮህ” እንዲሉ ወያኔ ድምፃቸውን ቀምቶ በደሉን ለማጠናከር እየተጠቀመበት ነው። እፍረት ያልፈጠረባቸው የወያኔ ሹማምንት “መንግሥት በእምነታችን ጉዳይ ጣልቃ አይግባብን” እያሉ አቤት የሚሉትን ምዕመናንን “በፓለቲካ ጉዳይ ጣልቃ ገባችሁ፤ ይህ ደግሞ በኛ ሕግ ክልክል ነው” እያለ ይከሳቸዋል።
“ሃይማኖት በመንግሥት፤ መንግሥትም በሃይማኖት ጉዳዮች ጣልቃ አይገቡም” የሚለውን ሰፊ ተቀባይነት ያለው መርህ ወያኔ መሠሪ በሆነ ተንኮሉ “ሃይማኖት በፓለቲካ፤ ፓለቲካም በሃይማኖት ጉዳይ ጣልቃ አይገቡም” ወደሚል እጅግ አደገኛ መርህ እየቀየረው ነው።
“በሃይማኖትና መንግሥት” እና “በሃይማኖትና ፓለቲካ” መካከል ያለው ግዙፍ ልዩነት ለአብዛኛው ምዕመን ግልጽ አይደለም በሚል ግብዝነት ነገሮችን በማጣመም ምዕመናንን በማደናገር ለፍረጃ ያመቻቻቸዋል።
አዎ ሃይማኖትና መንግሥት መለያየት አለባቸው። ኢትዮጵያዊ ክርስቲያኖችና ሙስሊሞች እየጠየቁ ያለውም ወያኔ ይህንን መርህ እንዲያከብር ነው። “ወያኔ ሆይ!!! በሃይማኖታችን ጉዳይ ጣልቃ አትግባብን!” እያሉት ነው።
ሃይማኖትና ፓለቲካ ግን በብዙ ክሮች የተቆላለፉ ነገሮች ናቸው። ለሃይማኖት ነፃነት መከራከር ራሱ ፓለቲካ ነው። ለሰብዓዊ መብቶች መከበር መከራከርም ትልቅ ፓለቲካ ነው። የሁለቱ ሃይማኖቶች አማኞች ይከባበሩ፤ ይተባበሩ ማለትም ፓለቲካ ነው። ይህ እንዳይፈጠር ነው ወያኔ ሃይማኖትና ፓለቲካ እሳትና ጭድ አድርጎ ሊስላቸው የሚዳዳው።
ግንቦት 7: የፍትህ፣ የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ ኢትዮጵያዊያን ምዕመናን በሃይማኖትና ፓለቲካ አንድነትና ልዩነት ላይ የጠራ አቋም መያዛቸው ትግላችን ያግዛል ብሎ ያምናል።
ሃይማኖትና መንግሥት መለያየታቸው ተገቢ ነው። ሃይማኖትና ፓለቲካ ግን አንድ ባይሆኑም በብዙ መንገዶች የሚደጋገፉ ናቸው። ሃይማኖቶች ለእምነት ነፃነት፣ ለሰብዓዊ መብቶች መከበር፣ ለዜግነት ክብር፣ ለሀገር ነፃነት እና መሰል ጉዳዮች በግንባር ቀደም መታገል ይኖርባቸዋል። በታሪካችን ውስጥ ታቦቶች ጦር ሜዳዎች ዘምተው አርበኞችን አበረታተዋል። ይህ ዛሬም ሊደረግ የሚገባው የተቀደሰ ተግባር ነው።
በዛሬ የአገራችን ተጨባጭ ሁኔታ ሃይማኖትና የሃይማኖት ተቋማትን ከወያኔ መዳፍ ማውጣት ሀገርን ከወያኔ መዳፍ ከማዳን ጋር በጥብቅ የተሳሰረ ጉዳይ ሆኗል። ስለሆነም ለሃይማኖት ነፃነት የምናደርገው ትግል ለሀገራችንም የምናደርገው ትግል አካል ነው።
ወያኔ በሃይማኖቶቻችን፣ በሀገራችን ብሎ በራሳችን ላይ የመጣ እኩይ ኃይል ነው።
ስለሆነም፣ ግንቦት 7: የፍትህ፣ የነፃነትና የዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ ለሃይማኖት ነፃነት የምናደርገውን ትግል ለሰብዓዊ መብቶች መከበር፣ ለዜግነት ክብር እና ለሀገር ነፃነት ከምናደርገው ትግል ጋር እንድናቀናጅ ወገናዊ ጥሪ ያደርጋል።
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ!!!


Posted: 24 Aug 2013 01:19 PM PDT
August 24, 2013

by T.Goshu

Framing the topic of my comment in this way is not either to pretend with a “YES, great is done” impression; or to seem pessimistic with a “NO, nothing is done” attitude.” It is rather to express my point of view from the perspective of thedirection and the pace of the struggle against the challenges we continue to face. My very intention is to under-score the need to engage in conversations that should help to put our political direction in a much more appropriate and right manner; and make the pace of our political discourse faster and steadier. I want to remain rationally optimistic about the ongoing political reawakening being led by genuinely concerned political opposition parties and movements accompanied by a relatively vigorous popular participation.

 These very remarkably courageous movements for the realization of genuine political freedom and respect for human rights/dignity and socio-economic justice require deep and sincere engagement in dealing with the issue of how to keep our direction in the right trail and our pace at an acceptable rate. And that is the very purpose of my opinion. I hope all genuinely concerned fellow Ethiopians will come up with valuable ideas or views that could be used as feasible inputs in the process of fighting for the right and legitimate cause so that the untold sufferings of the people should end sooner, not later.

1The political direction:

1.1 When it comes to the question of who is following the right direction in the political arena of the country, it has never been uncommon to hear from every political actor including the dictators who are in power claiming the credit for being right. Every political actor including the most tyrannical regime such as TPLF/EPRDF swears in the name of democracy and justice without any sense of shame or guilt. It is totally ridiculous to witness the inner circle of the ruling party telling the innocent people of Ethiopia whose lives have miserably been messed up and continue being destroyed that their country is making an amazing progress in every aspects of life.

 The people are boringly being told that the sword of “revolutionary democracy” is not only the right direction but the best medication for age-old political illnesses. It is extremely difficult to make any sense out of this kind of tested but miserably failed political direction which has caused an unprecedented disgrace to the country and dehumanization to her people. Sadly enough, the current members of the inner circle of TPLF/EPRDF continue playing with this very wrong, if not horrible political direction with a much more deadly behavior and practice. They (the ruling elites) do not have any human common sense when they try to convince the people who are victims of a very cynical and hypocritical political path for the last 21 years.

They continue insulting the intelligences of the people by throwing up all kinds of trash propaganda to the extent of claiming that nobody else have brought about and continue to bring about a heaven-like situation to the country except them. They preach (better to say deceive) that what they have implemented and are continuing to do so is the principles and values enshrined in the constitution. I have never come across any section or chapter of the constitution that gives power and duty to a bunch of ruling elites to rule by any cruel means including intimidation, suppression, dehumanization, arbitrary mass arrests, torture, and killings. As far as the reality on the ground going on in our country is concerned, that is the direction the ruling elites continue to claim that they are doing great and right. Simply put, they put the constitution upside down and use it to punish those whom they believe are against their dirty political game.

 I do not know what kind of right direction they are talking about while they are totally disregarding their own governing document, and grossly violating the fundamental political and human rights of the innocent people of Ethiopia. Tragically enough, they unequivocally reaffirm their determination that their “great and right political direction” could be changed on their graves only, not in their life time. Is this not an extremely evil-driven political ideology that makes the very direction of the country absolutely dangerous? That was of course the very deadly political reaffirmation reiterated by the late Ato Meles Zenawi; and continues to be the continuation of his “biblical vow” that is currently being recited as “his great and pre-determined legacy.”

 It is an open secret that the current senselessly ruthless action by the TPLF/EPRDF regime against innocent citizens is a clear testimony of how the political direction of our country is at a very worrisome cross-road. As the disparity between what they ( the ruling elites) preach and the most miserable direction they practically took the country for the last quarter of a century speaks loud and clear, I am not going to discuss here any further. What is hereafter very critically important is to focus on the question of how to reverse the wrong direction and replace it with a right direction that could take us to the right destination we want to be; not wasting time and energy regurgitating the horrible political crime committed by tyrannical ruling party. This takes us to the following question:

1.2 How do we see the way the opposition forces have done and are continuing to do so? There is no doubt that the duty and the responsibility to lead the country to the right political path and subsequently to the desired destination mainly rets on the political leadership in power. But how the political opposition actors get themselves organized, and how they act in such a way that they should lead their political direction in a persistent and effective way is so critical. And this has to be appropriately recognized and properly addressed.

 Any political opposition force that simply criticizes and condemns the deadly political path of tyrants, but not critically acknowledging its dysfunctional way of doing things and doing something about the issue of advancing its own political road map tends to be part of the problem, not the solution. Needless to say, the history of the political space in the country had never been less-hostile leave alone accommodative or tolerant towards political dissent. This had been true throughout the political history before the 1970s revolution. Unfortunately enough, things turned into a complete tragedy since the second half of the 1970s. The political parties who vowed to fight against the military dictatorship and to work together for the establishment of civil and democratic government went completely to opposite directions.

The typical and teachable example is the case of Meison and EPRP. Being unwilling and unable to sit down and if possible iron out their differences and keep marching together, if not disagree not to agree but not become enemies; they killed each other (Meison allying with the military and EPRP against the two.) Imagine how taking a wrong direction because of all kinds of reasons including personal egos and voracious group interests could damage the political direction the Ethiopian people desperately aspire to follow. I am well aware that these political groups now are in good terms and that is great. But I am not sure how far they have contributed to the efforts being made to get our political direction right compared to their relatively long-term and bitter experiences.

It must be noted here that these groups have been parts of certain coalitions, united democratic forces, democratic alternative forces and the like. If I am not mistaken they currently are parts of the Congress for the Ethiopian People Struggle and some other form of Union (hibret). That is a desirable and right direction. My concern is that a) forming a form without a seriously significant change of attitude (I should be on top!) does not prevent us from making the same senseless mistake. I often listen not only to some leaders of those groups but also groups like the Transitional Council reiterating their interest to work closely with others ; but they do not want to take sincere initiation by knocking at the doors of those who claim to be part of the struggle. b) Yes, it is ok to have some sort of basic factors to work together.

 But it does not make politically a lot of sense not to take initiation and have a kind of conversation or discussion with those who do not agree with our “preconditions.” I know one of most mentioned precondition is accepting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country. I Wholly agree! But I do not believe isolating those who may be interested to justify the reason why they are skeptical or reluctant is helpful. What I am saying is that it is only by carefully listening and respecting one’s concern that we could create a positive attitude and healthy political climate. I strongly believe that the most difficult but desirable effort in our political culture is to deal with the most difficult issues that we do not agree with.

With regard to the political opposition parties back home such as UDJ/Medker, All Ethiopian, Semayawi, the 33(32); it seems to me that they are relatively making progress in the making of their political direction more meaningful and feasible. However, I still have serious concerns that must be dealt with critically, but constructively and amicably. Let us not forget that our politicians are parts and parcels of a society that has suffered a lot from a very backward, intolerable and highly personalized political culture. And that is why we witness the very essence of integrity is lacking behind and causes our political direction being vulnerable to the dirty political games of tyrannical ruling circle. And that is why coalitions /congresses/fronts/ united democratic forces have fallen apart repeatedly. Yes, there is no doubt that those in political power do not leave any stone unturned to get the opposition disintegrated.

 Needless to say, they either buy individuals to infiltrate the opposition (like they did to Kinijit –lidetu and Chameso) or exploit some politicians of the opposition camp who run away from their parties whenever their self-interest conflicts with the interest of the general public or the general will. As a matter of political reality, certain interests of conflicts either at individual or intra-group and inter-group level are not avoidable but they are and they should be manageable and controllable. The isue we have to deal with is that as our political culture is not matured yet to handle those normal and non-avoidable challenges in an effective and productive manner, there is a reason to be concerned.

 I can mention the following few examples that need to be addressed and dealt with as they could cause troubles to the recent efforts being made to lead the political struggle in a relatively more assertive direction a) the recent remarks (interview) given by Ato Yilqal about the performance and capacity of other political parties, and the step taken by the 32. I got an impression that Ato Yilqal’s comment is unwisely framed and unnecessarily stretched b) the exchange of seemingly difficult conversations between UDJ and Medrek because of certain unproductive comments by some members of Medrek. C) How Medrek and the 32(33) are moving their common agendas in the right and relatively bright direction d) the political mentality of my generation has more capacity, energy and experience than this or that generation e) the problem of not forwarding critical, positive and complementary views and comments about others f) the attitude of staying away from close collaboration with others by citing past failures not as teachable moments but scary happenings which I believe is very general and a bit clumsy .

Yes, it is the right thing to take a rational and well-measured move toward making close and strong cooperation or alliances. But simply presenting or citing past failures not to make a timely and badly needed collaboration turns to be a clumsy excuse for not sharing the burden and the credit. And that is not the way politics as an art (dealing with difficult human behavior) works. I hope all genuinely concerned individuals and political opposition actors will make a difference in all these and other factors that could affect our political direction.

2. Concerning the pace of the struggle, it has to be noted from the outset that we terribly lacked behind for the last two decades, and as the result the sufferings of the people are getting chronic. And things seem getting out of control. And that means there is a need to make the pace of our political progress faster and steadier. I am not suggesting that we have to simply rash and see what would happen. Absolutely not! What I am trying to say is that the situation we are facing requires the determination and coordination that makes us walk the real walk, not drag our feet with all kinds of clumsy excuses. Well, if possible, let’s do more; if not let us remember the famous Chinese proverb which says, “It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” (Taken from the internet by Carne Ross, The Leaderless Revolution …., 2011

Ayana kebede, sjekk ut den siste videoen fra kanal-abonnementene dine for 22. aug. 2013.

tirsdag 27. august 2013

I Have a Dream!

Posted: 24 Aug 2013 09:35 AM PDT
by Leqa Naqamtee

My dream is not something unachievable. No! My dream is parts of a millions of dreamers in Ethiopia. These are men and women, children and youth, old and young, poor and rich, urban and rural, 

pastoralists and farmers, merchants andethiopian flag producers, teachers and military, professionals and non professionals, workers and employers, jobless and asylum seekers, internally displaced and new settlers, prisoners and judges, polices and parliamentarians, political parties and government machineries civil servants , Muslims and Christians, traditional believers and natural believers, so that I believe my dream will be realized sooner or later because internationally Ethiopia is labeled as failed states because of the following critical issues and other international parameters .

1. I have a dream to see a free and democratic Ethiopia where millions are living together in harmony, mutual respect and social cohesion. This is possible through realistic democratic Ethiopia where the ultimate future of every individual citizen, fate will be decided, peace and order maintained, the rule of law applied, above all the horizon of citizens controlled by fear of God.

2. I have a dream to see a Nation that is equal in front of law, without any discrimination because of their ethnic background, social strata, economic class, language classification or religion affiliations. This is possible only through having holistic and universal oriented constitution including having free and independent institutional arrangements.

3. I have a dream to see a Nation believe in forgiveness and eternal love. This is possible if the ruling party, especially the TPLF has moral fiber for true democracy, rule of law, inclusive and free governance system and devotion to start the announcement of national reconciliation followed by revision of the existing constitution, practice free and fair democratic selection.

4. I have a dream to see Ethiopia free from corruption, moral crisis and degradation, erosion of ethics, including seeing high standard of government transparency. This is possible through formation of free and independent anti corruption commission, allow free media that exercise investigative journalism, allow the establishment and operations of civil society, civic organization and free justice and police system accountable to the constitution. Above all limit the role of government and power exercise, demonstrated by fair power relations across the above institutions.

5. I have a dream to see independent security and military forces free from TPLF manipulation and dominance; stand to safeguard our Nation human, civil and political rights stipulated in the constitutions. Protect Ethiopian sovereign territory from external attacks and demonstrate high moral standard and professionalism in areas of its assignments. This is possible through only freeing the current military force from TPLF dominance which is organized to safeguard minorities, gangs and mafias economic and political interest.

6. I have a dream to see Ethiopia governed by free economy and political system where the role of government is limited around regulatory function. This is possible if the current TPLF “endowments “are abandoned, taken as a public property. In addition disclose all crimes committed as a result of the government monopoly of the sectors such as, telecommunication, EELPA, Ethiopian airlines, mine and energy, privatization agency, and other mega projects still under TPLF rulers, like sugar industry, metal corporation, etc.

7. I have a dream to see Ethiopia where the Nation can access relevant information’s as required as needed, as fast as possible. This possible through free from TPLF dominance and having independent and free media outlets, broadcastings working for public interest.

8. I have a dream to see Ethiopia respect high standard human rights indicated under the national constitution, international laws including UN conventions. This is possible through free assembly, self organization, demonstrations, and expressions of feelings and interties through peacefully ways. To this end, the civil societies, the press law and antiterrorism law must be revised in order to address the public interest and end the TPLF brutal political system from Ethiopia.

9. I have a dream to see Ethiopia where national resources are shared equally and equitably. This is possible through applying principles of accountability and transparency. At this point in time , the current political power relation must be revised to address public interests , end TPLF gangs and mafia groups, dictatorship role from government functions at all level and at any “government machineries “. To be honest, observe all minster level shared power and calculate where the lion share is allocated. The game played by TPLF is not fair, this must be stopped. Ethiopia must belong to the Nation not for the fulfillments of little TPLF group interests.

10. I have a dream to see Ethiopia where all civil servants are judged by their professional contribution not by their political attitudes or membership. At this juncture, we have to free all civil servants from any financial contributions to political parties ruling the country. We must work to end the suffering of Ethiopian civil servants from “double master” political system (party and government). They must be re organized to work for public interest, our national development above all to the national interest and rule of law. We must break the spirit of fear from the civil servants that hinder their productivity, killed their potential to serve the public interests, lead them to be involved in grand and petty corruptions, forced them to not have national vision, and eroded their sincere sprit to civil service ethics. This will be end if the TPLF ruled system avoided and replaced by democratic government where citizens are fully aware their constitutional refights and obligations.

11. I have a dream to free Ethiopian academic institutions; make them to work for broad national interest. It is clear that majority of “political cadres” are prepared/ produced in the universities. They fill political membership form fearing that they will be jobless after graduation or can’t get financial support from credit provider party affiliated institutions. We must stop this and save our generation from 21 century mentality of slavery. Ethiopia must be organized in the form of our common home, not as party property.

 The way the young generation come to civil service is quite unethical. They are coming to the service by caring a slogan saying “yabathe bet sizeref abreh zeref”. You can imagine that what citizens are produced from our “flourishing “universities. The covert political and economic strategy and agenda of TPLF is clear, they need to have a country and a generation doesn’t have any national and regional sentiment, highly corrupted personality. They are working aggressively to form a generation encircled by its private needs and lust for petty material interests, compromise national and human values for material needs, live under fleshy sprit with dead conscience.

12. I have a dream to see Ethiopia with high standard and international level diplomatic missions serving our sovereign interest working beyond establishments of TPLF economic empire, connect Ethiopia with the remaining world based on well articulated long year’s strategies visions, charismatic and democratic leadership with zero level enmity with neighboring and distant countries and nations. This is possible if the TPLF covert and narrow economic interest brings to an end and replaced by democratic political system which is overt, transparent and doesn’t compromise the national interests of our country.

13. I have a dream to see dignified human race, especially Ethiopian citizens (the elderly, girls, boys, children’s, mothers, and fathers, disabled peoples) etc living and sleeping on the street with pet animals, feed from garbage deposals together with street dogs. This is possible through changing TPLF ruled social and poverty reduction policy by introduction of holistic national social security policy.

14. I have a dream to see Ethiopia where social services are fulfilled and met to all, free from TPLF covert political marginalization strategy, where the national resources are shared equally and equitably. This is possible through emancipation of regional governments from TPLF proxy and immediate controlling and manipulation, maintain fair power relations at national level, diminish and finally avoid TPLF invisible hands from all national machineries, allow the people to exercise their democratic right on how to use the national resource which must not require them the “blessing” or approval of TPLF. This is possible through the establishments of scientific based independent national treasury organ accountable to and monitored by the wider public emanated from democratic institutions.


I believe that my dream is yours. This is our country. We have common interest and common home; our commonalty is bigger than our differences. We must look at the biggest picture that causes us to be a “idiot slave” for TPLF limit us to not claim a God given freedom. It is clear we Ethiopians are marginalized and reduced to secondary and tertiary level citizenship. It is obvious that TPLF’s are primary citizens in every aspect of our country affairs. This is not fair. This is a result of high levels of corrupted personality. There should be a paradigm shift in the landscape of Ethiopian politics.

 Therefore, let us work towards the fulfillments of this dream to realize a democratic Ethiopia, where we all are living together, (including the TPLF group if they are ready for reconciliation) in harmony, equality, brotherhood, dignity, mutual respect. We must push and do this in vary peaceful and civilized ways. At last I assure you that we shall arrive at the land of love, peace and reconciliation. There we shall please our creator God

Ethiopian Asylum Seekers Association in Norway organized a d

Ethiopian Asylum Seekers Association in Norway organized a demonstration in front of the Norwegian Foreign Affairs august 16,2013 against the TPLF regime in Ethiopia to condemn and Request donors and all members of the international community (including Norway) to re-evaluate the relationship with Ethiopian regime and put pressure on the regime to respect human rights, rule of law, and release all political prisoners,

Strongly condemn collaboration of e.g., Chinese and Indian governments and investors in the massive fertile land grab and deforestation programme, evicting poor farmers, Condemn China’s collaboration with the Ethiopian regime in jamming and blocking independent media, like Voice of America (VOA), and the Ethiopian Satellite Television (ESAT) and denying Ethiopian people access to alternative media, Call up on all Ethiopians and political and civic organizations working for democratic change in Ethiopia to come together and work I unison to realize democracy and rule of law in the country and Strongly condemn the Ethiopian.

 addtionaly  strongly condemns the heavy-handedness of the Ethiopian government that is causing the deaths of innocent civilians attempting to exercise some of their fundamental rights that are provided for in the country’s constitution and in international human rights instruments. According to reports obtained by the HRLHA through its correspondents, twenty- seven innocent civilians including five children (four in Kofele and one in the capital city, Addis Ababa) have been killed, hundreds have been injured and hospitalized, and thousands of others have been taken into custody in two separate incidents in the first week of August this year. In a clash between armed security forces and Muslim protestors that happened on the 3rd of August, 2013 in the Kofele region of Arsi Zone in Central Oromia, twenty- five were massacred and hundreds were injured and taken to Asela and Shashamane Hospitals

In this regard we will hold a protest demonstration and other activites inorder to;

  •   .Be the voice for the voiceless,
  •    Show our solidarity with the victimes,
  •    Expose this diabolical act,
  •   Creat an international pressure,
  •  Confirm our continual struggle for freedom and justice in Ethiopia.

Justice for the oppressed!

onsdag 21. august 2013

ሃይማኖትና ፖሇቲካ በኢትዮጵያ

ብርሃኑ ነጋ
1. መግቢያ:
ካሇፈው ሁሇት አመት ግዴም ጀምሮ “መንግሥት በዱናችን ጣሌቃ አይግባብን” በሚሌ ሰፊ ማእቀፍ ውስጥ
በሰሊማዊ መንገዴ በኢትዮጵያውያን ሙስሉሞች እየተዯረገ ያሇው ትግሌ፤ በኦርቶድክስ ቤተክርስቲያን
ውስጥ ዯግሞ ሁሇት አስርት አመታትን ያስቆጠረ ከቀኖናው ውጭ መንግሥት የቤተክርስቲያኑን መሪ
አይምረጥብን በሚሌ በመሰረታዊ ሀሳቡ ከሙስሉሙ ጥያቄ ጋር ተመሳሳይ በሆነ ጉዲይ በተነሳ ውዝግብ
ቤተክርስቲያኒቱ ሇሁሇት ተከፍሊ ያሇችበት ሁኔታና በዚህም ምክንያት በመንግሥት የተገፋው “ስዯተኛው
ሲኖድስ” በራሱ ሊይ የዯረሰውን ሁከት በመቃወም የሚያዯርጋቸው እንቅስቃሴዎች ተዲምረው ምናሌባት
ሇመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ጤነኛ የሆነው የሀይማኖትና የፖሇቲካ ግንኙነት ምንዴን ነው? ወይንም ዯግሞ
የመንግሥትና የሀይማኖት ግንኙነት ምን መሆን አሇበት? የሚሇውን ጥያቄ ጉዲዩ በቀጥታ ከሚመሇከታቸው
የሀይማኖቱ ተከታዮች አሌፎ ያጠቃሊይ የፖሇቲካ ማህበረሰቡ (የሀገሩ) ትሌቅ የመወያያ አርዕስት እየሆነ
ነው:: ይህ ጉዲይ ግን ጥቅሌ ከሆነ ያመሇካከትና የንዴፈ ሀሳብ ጥያቄ በተጨማሪ ጥሌቅና አስቸኳይ የሆነ
የተግባር ፖሇቲካ ጥያቄም ነው ይዞ የመጣው::

Some marched for freedom; others gathered for condominium By Sadik Ahmed

August 21, 2013

Ethiopians and Ethiopian Americans held a joint rally in front of US State Department on Tuesday. Amid the government’s massive propaganda to divide the nation, the participants were adamant to uphold their mutual values not as people who share a land but as a people who have shared blood.The demonstrators have uncovered what they call a plot to occupy the diaspora airwaves through corruption and cadres. However, they have stated clearly: those who collaborate with this dictatorial regime will be isolated and held accountable before each and every community.
Sheik Khalid Omer is an Imam for an Ethiopian Muslims' prominent organization called First Hijrah. On his motivational speech during the demonstration, he said: "We chose peaceful struggle not because of our fear for the Ethiopian government but due to its effectiveness on this generation. We will protest peacefully till the dictatorial regime responds to our demands."
"The Ethiopian regime has lost everything; all attempts to divide the nation have failed miserably; the regime has one remaining item, and that is ETV. They want to dispatch the same ETV propaganda through their puppets in DC airwaves by wasting tax payers money. The dollar is good for those who work on it, but dollar is very bad for those who happen to be enslaved by it. Some of the DC radios possibly sold their integrity for fear mongering but the wisdom of Ethiopians will render useless their evil plot through love and unity," said Yohannes Takele, a distinguished activist in Washington DC metropolitan area.
Officials and state department representatives from African desk have received a letter from the demonstrators. The enthusiastic slogans in English and Amharic were unwavering. Poems were read out and vows of commitment and unity declared till noon.
“All prisoners of conscience in Ethiopia could have different cases but they have one destiny; surely their destiny is ours; their pain inside notorious Ethiopian prisons is ours; we don’t have boundary due to our religion or ethnic background; we will struggle for freedom and justice for our beloved motherland until the malicious minority authoritarian regime surrenders power to the people or is deposed,” the demonstrators declared in unified consensus at the end of the rally.
Amid this demonstration in front of the State Department, some people gathered inside Ethiopian embassy, not to demonstrate but to register their names for condominiums in Ethiopia, our sources have confirmed.
Our sources also complained that the Ethiopian government is using condominiums as a weapon to silence diaspora. It is an exercise in futility as people of conscience definitely prefer freedom to life of servitude.

How To End Government Intolerance Of Islam In Ethiopia

Posted: 20 Aug 2013 01:23 PM PDT

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Tcurrent Ethiopian constitution provides for freedom of religion and requires the separation of state and religion.
Ethiopian Muslims has been, for more than a year now, holding protests
 However the Muslim community in Ethiopia has been, for more than a year now, holding protests at mosques around the country against what is perceived as government interference in religious affairs. The protesters are demanding that the current members of the Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (Majlis) be replaced by elected representatives and that elections for Majlis representatives be held in mosques rather than in the Kebeles. Some members of the Muslim community accuse the Ethiopian Government of controlling the Majlis and sponsoring the propagation of Al-Ahbash, a little known sect of Islam. The Ethiopian Government, on the other hand, accuses the protesters of being led by extremists who want to establish an Islamic state in place of the current secular multination federation.

The Ethiopian Government has responded against some protests in 2012 with deadly force, most recently in Assassa in April and Gerba in October, resulting in the death of at least seven protesters, a large number of injuries, and the imprisonment of a number of protesters on terrorism charges.
The protests were triggered by the suspension of the Awoliyah Muslim Mission School and the dismissal of 50 Arabic teachers via a letter issued by the Majlis. The Awoliyah Muslim Mission School, has been a member since 1993 of the Islamic charitable agency known as International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), and has been linked to the Saudi Arabia controlled World Muslim League. Ethiopian authorities consider Awoliyah to be a breeding ground for a new generation of radical Muslims, which they refer to as “Salafi-Jihadists” or “Wahabi-Salafists”. However, the Muslim protesters have consistently adhered to nonviolent demonstrations, leaving the Ethiopian Government with little to no evidence of behavior or action that could be described as terrorism. It is clear to date that the Ethiopian Government is manufacturing a security problem where none actually exists.
A careful consideration of the matter reveals that what’s happening in Ethiopia today is a reflection of what has been taking place in the West. Concerns about terrorism have degenerated into an irrational suspicion of Muslims, which will continue unabated until Ethiopia and its Western partners reflect more critically on their own perceptions.

Must Watch] "Funny" Ethiopian Priest Speaks at The Memorial Service Of Late PM Meles Zenawi

[ ቄሶ ክበበው ገዳ የባለ ራእዩ  የ3 billion  ዶላር የሙስና  ባላአባት የሆነውን መለስ ዜናዊ  የሙት አመት ቀን መታሰቢያ በማድረግ  የተዘጋጀለትን የአየር ሰአት  በመጠቀም ታዳሚዎቹን በሳቅ ሲያስፈለቀልቃቸው በመመልከት እርማችሁን አውጡ ቀላጁ  ለሚያቃጥለው ሰው  ማለቴ ነው የ ETV ባለስልጣን ዘመድ  ነው መሰለኝ የአቶ መለስን ዝናን ደጋግመው እንደሚያዳምጡም በቀልዳቸው ላይ ጠቀስ አድርጎታል ሰው ዩው  ለማንኛውም  ምስሉን ይመልከቱት 

ውይ ውይ ውይ ውይ ጉድ ጉድ  እንደዚህ አይነት ቄስ አለ እንዴ በምድረ ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ  ከአምላካችን ከእየሱስ ክርስቶስ ጋር እኩል  አድርጎ እውነት አቶ መለስ ነው ብሎ  አረመኔውን መለሰ ዜናዊን ሲክበው ብትሰሙት ሃይማኖታችሁን ለመቀየር  ትወስናላችሁ ብዩ እገምታለሁ እኔ እንደሚገባይኝ ከሆነ በቄስ ስም የገባ አግአዚ መሆን አለበት እንጂ እውነት እንደዚህ  አይነት የዳቢሎስ መልእክተኛ ቄስ  ቤተ ክህነቷን መቀለጃ አያደርጋትም ነበር ።

ለማንኛውም እስቲ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ቀልደኛውን ቄስ ተብዬ ሰላይ ቀልዱን ስሙትና የምትሉትን በሉት አሳፋሪ ለሆዱ ያደረ  ወራዳ አጭበርባሪ በቄስ ስም የገባ 666 መሆኑን ካነጋገሩ ቄስ ክበበው ገዳ መሆኑን ታውቁበታላችሁ። 

 እውነት ነው TPLF is  devil  የተባለውለ ካስ በዋልድባ ገዳም እንዲሁም በሌሎች ቤት ክሪስቲያን  እየተላኩ  እውነተኛ አባቶችን በመሰለል የፖለቲካ ስራቸውን በመስራት መንፈሳዊ አባቶችን  ቁም ስቅል እያሳዩአቸው ያሉት እንደነዚህ አይነት የዘመኑ ጉግ ማን ጉጎች ናቸው እውነት አምላክ በእንደነዚህ የሐይማኖት ጠላቶች  ላይ በቅርቡ የሆነ ተአምር ካላሳየን በስተቀር  ሐገራችን ኢትዮጵያ በምን አይነት አዚምና ምትሓት ተወታትባ እንዳለች ማወቅ አያዳግትም ስለዚህ እውነት  ክርስቶስ የእግዚአብሄር ልጅ ነው ብሎ ለሚያምን የክርስቶስ ቤተሰብ ለሆነ ኢትዮጵያዊ ሁሉ እንደነዚህ አይነት ተኩላዎች ከቤተ ክሪስቲያናችን አምላክ መንቅሎ እንዲያሶጣልን ጠንክሮ ወደ አምላኩ መጮህ ይገባዋል ያለበለዚያ ችላ ብሎ ካለፈው   እራሱንን መመርመር  ያስፈልገዋል  ብዬ ምክር እሰጠዋለሁ።

  ሐይማኖታችን  ምን ያህል አስደንጋጭ ሁኔታ ላይ እንዳለች  የሚያሳይ ዜና ስለሆነ  በጣም ደንግጪ ነው የጻፍኩት የመጻፍም ልምድ ኖሮኝ አይደለም የቃላት ግድፈት ካለው እያረማችሁት አንብቡት  

አምላክ ያቺን የሐገር መሪ የሐይማኖት መሪ ያጣችውን ሐገራችንን በቸርነትቶ ይጠብቃት  
   አሜን  አሜን አሜን 

tirsdag 20. august 2013

ሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ለተጠራው የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ልዩ ልዩ ዝግጅቶች በመካሄድ ላይ ነው

August 20, 2013
BlueParty Ethiopia (Facebook)
በመጪው ነሀሴ 26/2005 ዓ.ም. በሰማያዊ ፓርቲ ለተጠራው የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ልዩ ልዩ ዝግጅቶች በመካሄድ ላይ ነው።ከነእነዚህም ውስጥ ሀሙስ ነሀሴ 9/2005 በፓርቲው ፅ/ቤት በአባላቱ የፓርቲው መዝሙርና ሌሎች ሀገራዊ ዜማዎች ልምምድ ሲካሄድ
Blue Party of Ethiopia preparation

የአንድነት ፓርቲ አባላት ከአጉራ-ዘለል የወያኔ ካድሬዎች ጋር ግብግብ ይዘዋል

August 3, 2013
አንድነት ፓርቲ እሁድ ሐምሌ 28፣ 2005 “የሚሊዮኖች ድምፅ ለነፃነት” 
ሚል መሪ መፈክር ስር በተለያዩ የክልል ከተሞች የሰላማዊ ሰልፍ ለማድረግ አባላቱ ቅስቀሳ በማድረግ ላይ ናቸው። ይሁንና ከወያኔ አጉራ-ዘለል ካድሬዎችና ታጣቂዎች እየደረሰባቸው ያለው ወከባ ተባብሶ ቀጥሏል። ነብዩ ሀይሉ እና ሌሎችም በፌስ-ቡክ ገጾቻቸው ሁኔታውን እንደሚከተለው ይገልጹታል፣
UDJ calling for protest in Bahirdar
በባህርዳር የአድነት ፓርቲ አባላት በቅስቀሳ ላይ። ፎቶ Bisrat Woldemichael
በወላይታ የተሸጠ ጀነሬተር እንዲመለስ ተደረገ
በወላይታ ሶዶ ዙሪያ ወረዳ አዳራሽ(አዳራሹ ከ200 ሰው በላይ የመያዝ አቅም የለውም) አንድነት ለዴሞክራሲና ለፍትህ ፓርቲ ለሚያከናውነው ስብሰባ ህዝቡን ለመቀስቀስ ሞንታርቦና ጀነሬተር የሚያከራይ ነጋዴ በመጥፋቱ(በከተማው ጀነሬተር በማከራየት ህይወታቸውን የሚገፉ ነጋዴዎች በብዛት የሚገኙ ቢሆንም ካድሬዎች ቀጠን ያለ ትዕዛዝ በማስተላለፋቸው መከራየት አልተቻለም)የጄነሬተር መጥፋት ያሳሰባት ወ/ሮ ጸሀይ ወ/ጊዮርጊስ አነስተኛ ጀነሬተር በ2300ብር ትገዛለች፡፡
ሻጩ ጀነሬተሩን በህጋዊ መንገድ ከሸጠና መኪናው ላይ እንዲጫን ከተደረገ በኋላ ግለሰቡ እንባውን እያዝረከረከ የተከፈለውን ገንዘብ በመያዝ ጀነሬተሬን መልሱልኝ በስህተት ነው የሸጥኩላችሁ››ይላል ፡፡ነጋዴው ለምን እንደዚህ እንደህጻን እያለቀሰ መልሱልኝ ማለቱን የተረዱ የፓርቲው አባሎችም ጀነሬቱን መልሰውለታል፡፡
መቀሌ፣ የአንድነት አመራሮች ከነ መቀስቀሻ ሞንታረቮአቸው በቀዳማይ ወያኔ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ ታሰሩ
የአንድነት ፓርቲ አመራር የሆኑት አቶ አርአያ፣ የአንድነት ፓርቲ ከፍተኛ አመራር የሆኑት አቶ እንግዳ ወ/ፃዲቅ እና የአንድነት ፓርቲ የትግራይ ዞን ፀሀፊ አቶ ክብሮም ብርሀነ በመቀሌ ከነ መቀስቀሺያ ሞንታረቮአቸው ቀዳማይ ወያነ ክፍለከተማ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ ታስሩ፡፡ አቶ እንግዳ ወ/ፃዲቅ እና አቶ ክብሮም ብርሀነ ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ እንደታሰሩ ልብ በሉ!!! የመቀሌ ነዋሪዎች አመራሮቹን ለማስፈታት ከፖሊስ ጋር እየተከራከሩ ነው፡፡‪
ባህርዳር፣ አንድነት ፓርቲ በባህር ዳር ነገ ሐምሌ 28 ለሚደረገው ሰላማዊ ሰልፍ የተጠናከረ ቅስቀሳ እየተደረገ ነው
የባህር ዳር እና የአካባቢዋ ነዋሪዎችም በተቃውሞው ሰልፉ ላይ በንቃት ለመሳተፍ መዘጋጀታቸውን ለፍኖተ ነፃነት ዘጋቢዎች ተናግረዋል፡፡
ኢህአዴግም የባህር ዳር ህዝብ ባሳየው ንቁ ተሳትፎ በመደናገጡ በተለያዩ ቤተ ክርስትያኖች ቅዳሴ ዘግይቶ እንዲጀምር ትዕዛዝ አስተላልፏል፡፡ ቀበሌዎችም የተለያዩ ስብሰባዎችን አስጠርቷል፡፡ ባህር ዳሮችም ነገ ሰላማዊ ሰልፉን ለማድመቅ የተለያዩ መፈክሮችን በየቤታቸው በማዘጋጀት ላይ ናቸው፡፡
አርባምንጭ፣ በአንድነት ፓርቲ በሁለት መኪናዎች አርባምንጭን በቅስቀሳ አድምቋታል፡
በራሪ ወረቀቶች እየተበተኑ ነው ፖስተሮችም በብዛት እየተለጠፉ ነው፡፡ የኢህአዴግ ካድሬዎች “ሰልፉ ላይ እንዳትወጡ” የሚል ቅስቀሳ ቢያደርጉም የአርባምንጭ ነዋሪዎች በሰልፍ ላይ ለመገኘት መወሰናቸውን እየተናገሩ ነው፡፡
ጅንካ፣ ከትናንት ጀምሮ ከፍተኛ ቅስቀሳ እየተደረገ ነው
ከአጎራባች አካባቢዎች በሰልፉ ላይ የሚሳተፉ ዜጎች ወደ ጅንካ እየገቡ ነው፡፡ ከትላንት ጀምሮ ፖስተሮች እንዳይቀደዱ የአካባቢው ህዝብ እየጠበቀ ነው፡፡ በኢህአዴግ ካድሬዎች በ 1 ለ 5 መዋቅር ሰልፍ አትውጡ በሚል የጀመረው ቅስቀሳ ከሽፏል፡፡

George Ayittey's war on African dictatorships

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 12:48 PM PDT

By Alemayehu G. Mariam | June 13, 2011

Professor George Ayittey

Prof. George Ayittey: Targetting the dictators ravaging African lives

George Ayittey, the distinguished Ghanaian economist, and arguably one of the “Top 100 Public Intellectuals” (a person of ideas who stands for things far larger than one’s academic discipline) worldwide who “are shaping the tenor of our time” has been at war with Africa’s tin pot dictators and their lackeys for at least two decades. In 1996, he told African intellectuals exactly what he thought of them: “Hordes of politicians, lecturers, professionals, lawyers, and doctors sell themselves off into prostitution and voluntary bondage to serve the dictates of military vagabonds with half their intelligence. And time and time again, after being raped, abused, and defiled, they are tossed out like rubbish -- or worse. Yet more intellectual prostitutes stampede to take their places...”

mandag 19. august 2013

ጋዜጠኛ ውብሸት ታዬና ዘሪሁን ገ/እግዚአብሔር ሊፈቱ ይሆን? digg

እስር ቤት የምትገኘው ጋዜጠኛ ሒሩት ክፍሌ
ዘጋቢ ጋዜጠኛ ስለሺ ሐጎስ
በእነ ኤልያስ ክፍሌ መዝገብ በሽብርተኝነት ክስ ተፈርዶባቸው በማረሚያ ቤት ከሚገኙት አራቱ ኢትዮጵያውያን መሀከል ጋዜጠኛ ውብሸት ታዬ፣ ወ/ሮ ሂሩት ክፍሌና አቶ ዘሪሁን ገ/እግዚአብሄር በ2004 ዓ.ም ይቅርታ የጠየቁ ሲሆን ምላሽ ሳያገኙ ለረዥም ጊዜ መቆየታቸው ሲያነጋግር ሰንብቷል፡፡ በተለይ ሲውዲናውያኑ ጋዜጠኞች ከኢትዮጵያውያኑ ጋር በተመሳሳይ ወቅት ይቅርታ ጠይቀው አፋጣኝ ምላሽ ማግኘታቸውና በአንጻሩ የእነውብሸት ይቅርታ ከአመት በላይ መዘግየቱ ተገቢ አለመሆኑ ሲገለጽ ቆይቷል፡፡
ከአንድ አመት በላይ ቆይታ በኋላ ሐምሌ 25 2005 ዓ.ም የይቅርታ ቦርድ ጽ/ቤት ማህተም አርፎበት ለወ/ሮ ሂሩት ክፍሌ በተላከ ደብዳቤ የይቅርታ ጥያቄያቸው ለፕሬዝዳንቱ ቀርቦ ውድቅ መደረጉ ተገልጾላቸዋል፡፡ ወ/ሮ ሂሩት ከእነ ውብሸት ጋር ባንድ መዝገብ ተከሰው 19 አመት የተፈረደባቸው ሲሆን የይቅርታ ጥያቄውንም ያቀረቡት በተመሳሳይ ወቅት ነው፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ ወደ ህትመት እስከገባንበት ጊዜ ድረስ ለጋዜጠኛ ውብሸት ታዬና ለአቶ ዘሪሁን ገ/እግዚአብሔር የደረሳቸው ደብዳቤ አለመኖሩን አረጋግጠናል፡፡
የወ/ሮ ሂሩት ይቅርታ በፕሬዝዳንቱ ውድቅ መደረጉን አስመልክቶ ልጃቸው ፍጹም መሰለ እናቱ ከተፈረደባቸው በኋላ ይግባኝ ከማለት ይልቅ ይቅርታ መጠየቅ የወሰኑበት ምክኒያት የቀድሞው ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትር አቶ መለስ ዜናዊ በፓርላማ ቀርበው “እንኳን ሀገር ውስጥ ያሉት ውጪ ያሉትም ቢሆኑ ዛሬ ይቅርታ ከጠየቁ ከነገ ጀምሮ ነጻ ናቸው” የሚል ቃል መግባታቸው እንደሆነ ገልጾ ይግባኝ የምንልበት አማራጭም አልፎ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስትሩ ከገቡት ቃል በተቃራኒ ይቅርታው ውድቅ ተደርጓል መባሉ እንዳሳዘነው ተናግሯል፡፡ ፍጹም አክሎም “ለሲውዲናውያን የተሰጠው ዕድል ለኢትዮጵያውያን ጨርሶ ይከለከላል የሚል ዕምነት ስለሌለን የይቅርታ ጥያቄውን በድጋሚ በሽማግሌዎች በኩል እናቀርባለን” ብሏል፡፡
የአቶ መለስ ዜናዊን ሙታመት አስመልክቶ በርካታ እስረኞችን ለመፍታት መንግስት በእንቅስቃሴ ላይ እንደሚገኝ ያረጋገጡት ምንጮቻችን ጋዜጠኛ ውብሸትና አቶ ዘሪሁን ደብዳቤ ያልደረሳቸው ከሚፈተቱት እስረኞች ዝርዝር ውስጥ ገብተው ሳይሆን እንደማይቀር ግምታቸውን አስቀምጠዋል፡፡
Short URL: http://www.zehabesha.com/amharic/?p=6471

ለነጻነታችንና ለተዋረደው ስብዕናችን መከበር ስንል ልንከፍለው የማንፈልገው መስዋዕትነት እንደሌለ ወያኔን የማሳወቂያ ጊዜው አሁን ነው

በጉልበት በተገኘ ስልጣን የአገሪቱን አንጡራ ሃብት በመዝረፍ የከበረው የወያኔ ቡድን በእብሪት ተወጥሮ ተቃዋሚዎችን “መንገዱን ጨርቅ ያድረግላችሁ” ሲል እንዳልነበረ፤ የአገራቸው በዘረኞችና በአምባገነኖች መዳፍ ስር መውደቅ አንገብግቦአቸው ገና ለትግል ከመሰባሰባቸው በድንጋጤ ድባብ ውስጥ ተዘፍቆ የሚይዘውንና የሚጨብጠውን እንዳሳጣው ከአንተ ከጉዳዩ ባለቤት በላይ ምስክር ሊሆን የሚችል ሌላ ሀይል የለም። ወያኔን ተስፋ እንዲቆርጥ ያደረገው አንተ በየጊዜው ይምታሳየው ጥንካሬ ነው፤ እየደረሰብህ ባለው እስራትና እንግልት ሳትንበረከክ፤ ወያኔ አንተኑ አፍኖ ለመግዛት ሆን ብሎ በፈጠረው የኢኮኖሚ ቀውስ ሳትበገር ወያኔን በህቡና በይፋ ለመታገል መወሰንህ ወያኔን እንቅልፍ አሳጥተህ እንዲደናበር ማድረግህ ማንም የሚስተው አይደለም። የወያኔ መደናበር ከልክ ማለፉን ለመረዳት ሰሞኑን በግንቦት 7 አባላትና ለአገራችው ነጻነት በመቆርቆር ድምጻቸውን በማሰማታቸው የሞትና የእድሜ ልክ እስራት የተፈረደባቸውን ወታደራዊ መኮንኖች፣ ወ/ት ብረቱካንንና ሌሎች በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ የፖለቲካ እሰረኞችን መጥቀሱ በቂ ነው።
የወያኔው የይስሙላ ፍርድ ቤት በ5 ኢትዮጵያውያን ላይ ሞት፣ በ33ቱ ላይ ደግሞ የእድሜልክ እስራት ውሳኔ ማስተላለፉን ሰምተሀል (ሻል)። በውኑ እንዲህ አይነት ፍርድ የሚገባቸው እንማን ነበሩ? ገና ህይወትን ሳያጣጥሙ፣ ለአገራቸውና ለህዝባቸው የሚጠቅም ስራ ሰርተው ለማለፍ ሲያልሙ በአዲስ አበባ ጎዳናዎች በአጋዚ ጥይት የጨፈጨፈው የአውሬው የመለስና የበረከት ቡድን፣ ወይስ ልጆች በነጻነት እንዲማሩና አገራቸውንም እንዲጠቅሙ የነጻነትን ትምህርት ያስተማሩዋቸው የኢትዮጵያ ታጋይ ልጆች? በኦሮሚያ፣ በጋምቤላ ፣ በሶማሊያ፣ በኦጋዴን፣ በአማራ፣ በደቡብ. በቤንሻንጉል ወዘተ “ኢትዮጵያውያን ተራብን ተጠማን፣ አስተዳደራዊ በደል ደረሰብን፣ እንደ ሶስተኛ ዜጋ እየኖርን ነው፣ በአገራችን የመማር፣ የመስራት መብታችን ይከበርልን፣ በፈለግነው መሪ እንተዳደር” ብለው የጠየቁትን ኢትዮጵያውያንን እንደ ፋሲካ በግ እያረደ በየመንገዱ የጣላቸውን የአውሬዎች ስብስብ ወይስ፣ ለዜጎች እኩልነትና ብልጽግና የሚታገሉት የኢትዮጵያ ልጆች? አገራችን መሬቷ ተቆርሶ ለባእድ አገር እንዲሰጥ፤ ደሀው ገበሬ የሚያርሰው መሬት ባጣበት ሰአት ለግል ሀብት ማካበቻ ሲባል ገበሬውን እትብቱ ከተቀበረበት ቦታ እያፈናቀለ ለቻይና፣ ለህንድና ለአረብ ነጋዴዎች የሚቸበችበው፤ በአገራችን ውስጥ ታይቶ በማይታወቅ ሁኔታ የአንድን ብሄር አገዛዝ በመላው አገሪቱ ያሰፈነው የወያኔው የሽፍታ ስብስብ ወይስ ዲሞክራሲ የሰፈነባት፣ ሰብአዊ መብቶች የተከበሩባትና የህግ ልእልና የሰፈነባትን አገርን ለመመስረት የሚታገሉት ኢትዮጵያውያን? ወያኔ ልብ ካለው፣ ልብ ብሎ እንዲሰማ የምንፈልገው፣ የግንቦት 7 አባላት የወያኔው የይስሙላ ፍርድቤት በሰጠው ፍርደ ገምድል ውሳኔ ይበልጥ ለትግል የነሳሳሉ እንጅ ቅንጣት ታክልም ከአላማቸው የማይዘናጉ መሆናቸውን ነው። ውሳኔው አገራችን በቶሎ ነጻ ካልወጣች ከዚህ የበለጠ ጉዳት ሊደርስባት ይችላል ብለው እንዲጨነቁና ትግላቸውን እንዲያፋጥኑ ያደርጋቸውል እንጅ ፣ “ሞት ከተፈረደብንማ አንታገልም” ብለው እጃቸውን አጣጥፈው እንዲቀመጡ አያደርጋቸውም ። ግንቦት 7 ለነጻነታቸው ሲሉ ለመሞት የቆረጡ ኢትዮጵያውያንን ያሰባሰበ ፣ አንድ ሞት አይደለም አንድ ሺ ሞት ቢመጣ ሁሉንም እንደ አመጣጡ ለማስተናገድ ውሳኔ አድርገው የሚታገሉ ኢትዮጵያን ያሰባሰበ ንቅናቄ ነው። ይህንን ደግመን ደጋግመን ለወያኔ መንገር እንፈልጋለን።
ውድ የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ፣ ወያኔ የይስሙላ ፍርዱን ሲያስተላልፍ “ ለሌሎችም መቀጣጫ ይሆናል” ብሎ መናገሩን ሰምተሀል ። ይህ በቀጥታ ለአንተ የተላለፈ መልእክት ነው። መልእክቱ ስለነጻነትህ እንዳትጠይቅ ፣ ኑሮ ተወደደብኝ ብለህ እንዳታማርር ፣ ፍትህ ጎደለብን ብለህ እንዳታጉረመርም በአጠቃላይ በአገርህ ላይ ባለቤትነት እንዳይሰማህ፣ በአገርህ ላይ የመወሰን መብት እንዳይኖርህ ለማድረግ የተላለፈ መልክት ሲሆን፣ ይህን ካደረክም ሞትና የእድሜ ልክ እስራት ይጠብቅሀል እያለህ ነው። ይህ ስድብ ነው። ይህ ታሪክን ማንቋሸሽ ነው። ይህ ከታሪክ ለመማር አለመቻልን የሚያሳይ ነው። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ ሞትና እስራትን ከነጻነት በላይ አድረጎ የሚመለከት ቢሆን ኖሮ፣ አገራችን ዛሬም ድረስ በጣሊያን አገዛዝ ስር በወደቀች ነበር። የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በሞትና በእስራት ነጻነቱን አሳልፎ የማይሰጥ መሆኑን ለማሳየት ታሪክ እንጥቀስ ብንል ወረቀቱም አይበቃንም። ይህን የአገራችን ህዝብ ያውቀዋል፤ ወያን ግን ገና ያወቀው አይመስልም።
ውድ ኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ፣
ወያኔ ዝምታን እንደፍርሀት በመቁጠር መያዢያ መጨበጫ ያጣ እርምጃ በመውሰድ ላይ ነው። ዛሬ በግንቦት 7 አባላትና በወታደራዊ መኮንኖች ላይ የተላለፈው ውሳኔ አለማቀፍ ትኩረት ይሳብ እንጅ፣ አንተ ባልታወቀ ና ባልተነገረ ፍርድ የሞትና የእድሜ ልክ እስራት ፍርደኛ መሆንክህን ጠንቅቀህ ታውቃለህ። ዛሬ ይህ ዝምታህ ማብቃት እንዳለበት ልናስታውስህ እንወዳለን። ወያኔን እንደማትፈልገው በግንቦት 1997 ምርጫ ወቀት በግልጽ ተናግረሀል። ከዚያ በሁዋላ የምትወስዳቸው እርምጃዎችም ይህን እውነታ የሚያጠናክር ነው። ዛሬ ከአንተ ጋር እጅና ጓንት በመሆን ይህን የአውሬዎች አገዛዝ የምናስወግድበት ጊዜ ላይ እንገኛለን። ስለዚህም አስተዋፅኦህ በሁለም መስክ ይፈለጋል። መደገፍ ያለባቸውን ታጋዮች ደግፍ፣ ለወያኔው አገዛዝ ግብር አትክፈል፣ በቡድን እየተደራጀህ የወያኔ ሰላዮች ከሚያደርሱብህ ተጽኖ ተከላከል። አጋጣሚዎች ሲመቻቹልህም በተለያዩ አካባቢዎች የፈጠርካቸውን ድርጅቶች በአንድ ላይ በማቀናጀት በወያኔ ላይ ያለህን ተቃውሞ አስነሳ። እንደአካባቢህ ተጨባጭ ሁኔታ እያየህ የወያኔ አገዛዝ ተመቻችቶ እንዳይገዛ የሚያደርጉ እርምጃዎችን ውሰድ። ለነጻነታቸው ሲሉ በእስር ላይ የሚገኙ የነጻነት ታጋዮችንና ቤተሰቦቻቸውንም በሞራል፣ በገንዘብና በምትችለው ነገር ሁሉ እርዳቸው። ወያኔ ለነጻነት የሚደረገውን ትግል ከሚያኮለሽበት መንገድ አንዱ፣ የነጻነት ተጋዮችን ቤተሰቦች ማሰቃየት ነው። ይህን ተረድተህ የነጻነት ታጋዮችን ቤተሰቦች ለመደገፍ ወደ ሁዋላ አትበል።
ለነጻነት የሚደረገው ጉዞ ረጅምና ፈታኝ ሊሆን ይችላል፤ ነጻነትን የሚሹ ግን ሁሌም በአሸናፊነት እንደሚወጡ ታሪክ ምስክር ነው።
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ

ከሦስት ጊዜ በላይ የሞተ ብቸኛው ዝነኛ የሀገር መሪ | Zehabesha Amharic

ከሦስት ጊዜ በላይ የሞተ ብቸኛው ዝነኛ የሀገር መሪ | Zehabesha Amharic

ሪፖርተር ሶማሊያ ስለተከሰከሱት አውሮፕላኖች ሲዘግብ ስለመንሰኤው አለመጠየቁ – በክፍሉ ሁሴ

የአቶ አማረ አረጋዊ ጋዜጣ ብቻ እንዲዘግበው በተፈቀደው መሰረት በቀደም ሶማሊያ ላይ ተከስክሶ የሰዎች ሕይወት የጠፋበት አንቶኖቭ 12 የተባለው ሩሲያ ሰራሽ አውሮፕላን አደጋ በአጭር ጊዜ ውስጥ ሁለተኛው አደጋ መሆኑን እ.ኤ አ በኦገስት 11,2013 ባሰፈረው ዘገባው ይነግረናል።ሌሎች ይህን ቢዘግቡት ምስጢር በማባከን የ”ብሔራዊ ደህንነትን”ሆነ ብሎ አደጋ ላይ በመጣል ወይም በዚያ በፈረደበት የሽብርተኛ ፍርደ ገምድል ሕግ ዘብጢያ ይወርዱ ነበር።ያም ሆነ ይህ ሪፖርተር በአንቶኖቩ ላይ ይህ አደጋ ከመከሰቱ ጥቂት ቀናት በፊት ሌላ ኤል 100 የተባለ የ”አየር ሃይሉ”አውሮፕላን እዚያው ሶማሊያ ተከስክሶ መሰባበሩንና አብራሪዎቹም የመቁሰል አደጋ ደርሶባቸው በሕክምና ላይ እንደሆኑ፤የዚያ አውሮፕላን ዳፋም ስብርባሪውን ሊያመጣ ለሄደው ለዚህኛው አንቶኖቭ እንደተረፈው ዘግቧል።በነፃ ጋዜጣ ስም የቁርጥ ቀን የወያኔ አፈ ቀላጤነቱን የማይዘነጋው ሪፖርተር የ”አየር ሃይሉ”አውሮፕላኖች እንደደርግ ጊዜ ሳይተኮስባቸውና ቦምብ ሳይቀበርባቸው ባገር ጤና በየሳምንቱ በየሄዱበት ባፍጢማቸው ለምን እንደሚደፉ አጠያይቆ ሊዘግብ አልሞከረም።እሱ ባይዘግብ እኛ እንጠያይቅና የመጠይቃችንን ውጤት እንመልከተዋ! Read story in PDF…