mandag 18. februar 2013

The Top 10 Stupidest and Smartest Governments in the World

Ethiopian Review’s List of The Top 10 Stupidest and Smartest Governments in the World 
Measurements used to rank the smartest and stupidest governments include: 1) the level of freedom its people enjoy, 2) quality of life, 3) investment in technology, infrastructure and education, and 4) friendly business climate. In all these measurements, the stupid governments fall far behind.
Top 10 Stupid Governments
1. Ethiopia – a country rich with natural resources and hard working people, but cursed to have the most stupid government in the world that shuts down business for 2 months when the dictator dies. It sells the country’s most fertile land to other countries at basement bargain prices. Its officials loot the country’s treasury with impunity. Tens of thousands of children in the capital city Addis Ababa are forced to survive by eating from trash dumps. Over 50% of those who graduate from school are unemployed, just to mention some of the ills in the country that are caused by the extreme idiocy of the ruling junta.
2. Eritrea – like Ethiopia, Eritrean people are also hard working, blessed with rich natural resources, and when they are left free, they thrive, as they are doing in the Diaspora. However, they are unlucky to have one of the most stupid and brutal governments in the world, so the country remains among the poorest in the world.
3. Equatorial Guinea – one of the richest countries in the world in natural resources with above average GDP (highest in Africa), but the extremely corrupt government is looting the country bone dry, making the people among of the poorest in the world.
4. Congo – the same as Equatorial Guinea
5. North Korea – it is a zombie state.
6. Somalia – the khat-addicted politicians do not think straight most of the time.
7. Mexico – a great country rich with natural resources, it is now becoming a failed state unable to control a few drug trafficking thugs.
8. Zimbabwe – a poster boy for stupidity.
9. Haiti – similar with Zimbabwe.
10. Madagascar – extremely rich in natural resources, but its people are among the poorest in the world.
Top 10 Smart Governments
1. Norway – the most free country in the world that is blessed with oil, it has a government that leaves the people alone to lead a peaceful, prosperous life.
2. Switzerland – similar to Norway, minus oil.
3. South Korea – heavy investment in education propelled the country from a 3rd world country to a 1st world country in just 50 years.
4. Luxembourg – similar to Switzerland.
5. Netherlands – similar to Switzerland.
6. Australia – similar to Switzerland.
7. Austria – similar to Switzerland.
8. Ireland – similar to Switzerland.
9. United States – not as good as it used to be. The U.S. politicians are stripping the freedom of their people piecemeal. Even those freedoms that are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights are not safe any more. And when arriving at U.S. airports from abroad these days, it feels like coming to a police state. On top of that, the government gives billions of dollars in foreign aid to the most stupid governments in the world to buy weapons for brutalizing their people. The American people need to wake up and elect better politicians or risk becoming like Mexico.
10. Singapore – with the third highest GDP per capita in the world, if it is not for its restrictions on freedom, such as press freedom, Singapore’s government could be considered the smartest in the world. The financial freedom and privacy, as well as the business friendly climate in Singapore are among the main reasons for the country’s success.

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