What Should Ethiopia Expect in a Second Obama Term?
by Alemayehu G. Mariam
It is proper to congratulate President Obama on his re-election to a second term. He put up a masterful campaign to earn
the votes of the majority of American voters. Mitt Romney also deserves
commendation for a hard fought campaign. In his concession speech
Romney was supremely gracious: “At a time like this we can’t risk
partisan bickering and political posturing. Our leaders have to reach
across the aisle to do the people’s work, and we citizens also have to
rise to occasion.”
There has been a bit of finger-wagging,
teeth-gnashing, eye-rolling and bellyaching among some Ethiopian
Americans in the run up to the U.S. presidential election held last
week. Some were angry at President Obama and actively campaigned in
support of his opponent. They felt betrayed by the President’s inability
or unwillingness to give effect to his lofty rhetoric on human rights
in Africa and Ethiopia. Others were disappointed by what they believed
to be active support for and aid to brutal African dictators. Many tried
to be empathetic of the President’s difficult circumstances. He had to
formulate American foreign policy to maximize achievement of American
global national interests. Terrorism in the Horn of Africa was a
critical issue for the U.S. and Obama had to necessarily subordinate
human rights to global counter-terrorism issues.
I was quite
disappointed by the President’s failure to implement even a rudimentary
human rights agenda in Ethiopia and the rest of Africa. But I also
understood that he had some fierce battles to fight domestically trying
to shore up the American economy, pushing some basic social policies,
fighting two wars and putting out brushfires in a conflict-ridden world.
I gave the President credit for a major diplomatic achievement in the
South Sudan referendum which led to the creation of Africa’s newest
state. President Obama authorized the deployment of a small contingent
of U.S. troops to capture or kill the bloodthirsty thug Joseph Kony and
his criminal partners. He launched the kleptocracy project which I
thought was a great idea. As I argued in my column “Africorruption, Inc.“,
the “business of African governments in the main is corruption. The
majority of African ‘leaders’ seize political power to operate
sophisticated criminal enterprises to loot their national treasuries and
resources.” I felt the kleptocracy project could effectively prevent
illicit money transfer from Ethiopia to the U.S. According to Global
Financial Integrity, Ethiopia lost US$11.7 billion to illicit financial
outflows between 2000 and 2009. I gave the president high marks for
working through the U.N. to pass U.N. Resolution 1973 which endorsed the
effort to protect Libyan civilians and his use of NATO partners to
shoulder much of the military responsibility to rid Gadhafi from Libya
after 41 years of brutal dictatorship. More broadly, I give him credit
for closing secret C.I.A. prisons, ending extraordinary renditions and
enhanced interrogations (torture), trying to close down the detention
camp in Guantánamo Bay and move trials from military tribunals into
civilian courts and abide by international laws of human rights. No
doubt, he has much more to do in the area of global human rights.
believe he could have done a lot more in Africa and Ethiopia to promote
human rights, but did not. I have written numerous columns over the
past couple of years that have been very critical of U.S. policy. In the
“The Moral Hazard of U.S. Policy in Africa“,
I argued that neither the U.S. nor the West could afford to sacrifice
democracy and human rights in Africa to curry favor with incorrigible
African dictators whose sole interest is in clinging to power to enrich
themselves and their cronies. In my column, “Thugtatorship: The Highest Stage of African Dictatorship”,
I argued Africa’s thugtatorships have longstanding and profitable
partnerships with the West. Through aid and trade, the West and
particularly the U.S. has enabled these thugocracies to flourish in
Africa. A few months ago, in my column “Ethiopia in Bond Aid,”
I argued that international aid is negatively affecting Africa’s
development. “Before much of Africa became ‘independent’ in the 1960s,
Africans were held under the yoke of “colonial bondage”. ‘International
aid’ addiction has transformed Africa’s colonial bondage into
neo-colonial bondaid.” In another recent column “Ethiopia: Food for Famine and Thought!”,
I criticized the G8 Food Security Summit held in Washington, D.C. this
past June as a reinvention of the old colonialism: “The G-8’s ‘New
Alliance’ smacks of the old Scramble for Africa. The G-8 wants to
liberate Africa from hunger, famine and starvation by facilitating the
handover of millions of hectares of Africa’s best land to global
But despite disappointments, misgivings,
apprehensions and concern over the Obama Administration’s failure to
actively promote human rights in Ethiopia and Africa, I have supported
President Obama. For all his faults, he has been an inspiring leader to
me. Like many Americans, I was awed by state Senator Obama’s keynote
speech at the Democratic national Convention in 2004 when he
unapologetically declared: “There’s not a black America and white
America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States
of America. There is not a liberal America. There is not a conservative
America. There is a United States of America.” These words continue to
inspire me to dream of the day when young Ethiopian men and women shall
come together from all parts of the country and shout out and sing the
words, “There is not an Oromo Ethiopia, Amhara Ethiopia, Tigrai
Ethiopia, Gurage Ethiopia, Ogadeni Ethiopia, Anuak Ethiopia… There is
only a united Ethiopia where ‘justice rolls down like water and
righteousness like a mighty stream.’”
During the advocacy effort
to pass H.R. 2003 (“Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007”),
we had opportunities to meet with U.S. Senator Obama’s staffers in his
district office and on the Hill on a number of occasions. Our meetings
were encouraging and there was little doubt that Senator Obama would
support H.R. 2003 if the bill had made it to the Senate floor after it
passed the House of Representatives in October 2007. In February 2008, our advocacy group, the Coalition for H.R. 2003, formally endorsed Barack Obama’s
presidential bid. We declared that “it is time for the U.S. to abandon
its support of African dictators, and pursue policies that uplift and
advance the people of Africa. It is time for an American president who
will stand up for human rights in Ethiopia, and demand of those who
violate human rights to stand down!”
Over the last four years, our
enthusiasm and support for the President flagged and waned
significantly as Africa remained on the fringes of U.S. foreign policy
agenda. During the recent presidential “foreign policy debate” Africa
was barely mentioned. There was only passing reference to Al Qaeda’s
presence in Mali, the third poorest country on the planet. (According to
the Economist Magazine, Ethiopia is the poorest country on the planet.)
But not to make excuses, the President had a lot on his foreign policy
plate. The Arab Spring was spreading like wildfire sweeping out longtime
dictators. Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East remains a critical
issue. The global economic meltdown threatens certain European countries
with total economic collapse.
Hope Springs Eternal in Ethiopia and the Rest of Africa
am hopeful that human rights in Africa will occupy a prominent role in
the foreign policy agenda of President Obama’s second term. An
indication of such a trend may be evident in the announcement two days
after President Obama’s reelection that he will be visiting Myanmar
(Burma) in a couple of weeks. After five decades of ruthless military
dictatorship, Myanmar is gradually transforming itself into a democracy.
President Thein Sein has released political prisoners, lifted media
bans and implemented economic and political reforms. Amazingly,
pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi is the acknowledged opposition
leader in parliament after two decades of house arrest. Last week, a
State Department spokesperson underscored the need for human rights
improvement in Ethiopia according to a Voice of America report. There
are favorable signs the Obama Administration will pursue a more
aggressive human rights agenda in Africa.
President Obama Would Like to Leave a Legacy of Democracy and Freedom in Africa
second-term presidents become increasingly focused on foreign policy.
They also become acutely aware of the legacy they would like to leave
after they complete their second term. I believe President Obama would
like to leave a memorable and monumental legacy of human rights in
Africa. I cannot believe that he is so indifferent to Africa that he
would leave it in worse condition than he found it. When he became
president, much of Africa was dominated by dictators who shot their way
to power or rigged elections to get into power. In much of Africa
today, the absence of the rule of law is shocking to the conscience.
Massive human rights violations are commonplace. In Ethiopia,
journalists, dissidents, opposition leaders, peaceful demonstrators,
civil society and human rights advocates are jailed, harassed and
persecuted every day.
Needless to say, for President Obama Africa
is the land of his father even though he was born and raised in America.
I believe President Obama, like most immigrant Ethiopian Americans,
would like to help the continent not only escape poverty but also
achieve better governance and greater respect for the rule of law. He
would like to see Africa having free and fair elections and improved
human rights conditions. In his book Dreams From My Father, he wrote, “…
It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d
packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin
and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela. And if later I saw that the black men I
knew – Frank or Ray or Will or Rafiq – fell short of such lofty
standards; if I had learned to respect these men for the struggles they
went through, recognizing them as my own – my father’s voice had
nevertheless remained untainted, inspiring, rebuking, granting or
withholding approval. You do not work hard enough, Barry. You must help
in your people’s struggle. Wake up, black man!” A man whose life’s
inspiration comes from Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, W.E. B. DuBois and
Nelson Mandela cannot ignore or remain indifferent to the suffering of
African peoples. I think he will help Africans in their struggle for
dignity in his second term.
U.S. Human Rights Policy in the Post Arab Spring Period
the post-Arab Spring world, the U.S. has come to realize that its
formula of subordinating its human rights policy to security and
economic interests in dealing with dictators needs reexamination,
recalibration and reformulation. By relying on dictators to maintain
domestic and regional stability, the U.S. has historically ignored and
remained indifferent to the needs, aspirations and suffering of the Arab
masses. When the Arab masses exploded in anger, the U.S. was perplexed
and did not know what to do.
The U.S. has been timid in raising
human rights issues with Africa’s dictators fearing lack of cooperation
in the war on terror and other strategic objectives. The U.S. effort has
been limited to issuing empty verbal exhortations and practicing “quite
diplomacy” which has produced very little to advance an American human
rights agenda. I believe the President understands that America’s long
term global interests cannot be advanced or achieved merely through
moral exhortations and condemnations. We know that the President’s style
is to exhaust diplomacy before taking more drastic measures. As he
explained, “The promotion of human rights cannot be about exhortation
alone. At times, it must be coupled with painstaking diplomacy. I know
that engagement with repressive regimes lacks the satisfying purity of
indignation. But I also know that sanctions without outreach–and
condemnation without discussion–can carry forward a crippling status
quo. No repressive regime can move down a new path unless it has the
choice of an open door.” For the past four years, few African dictators
have walked through the door that leads to democracy and human rights.
Many of them have kicked it shut. I am hopeful that in the second term,
the President will go beyond “exhortation” to concrete action in dealing
with African dictators since he holds their aid purse strings.
President Obama is Not Just a President But Also a Constitutional Lawyer and…
believe President Obama’s experiences before he became a national
leader continue to have great influence on his thinking and actions. As a
constitutional and civil rights lawyer, I believe he has an innate
sense of moral distaste and repugnance for injustice and arbitrariness.
President Obama cut his teeth as a lawyer representing individuals in
civil and voting rights litigation and wrongful terminations in
employment though he could have joined any one of the most prestigious
law firms in America. He spent his early years doing grassroots
organizing and advocacy working with churches and community groups to
help the poor and disadvantaged. To be sure, he has spent more time
doing community work than serving on the national political stage. As a
constitutional and civil rights lawyer, law professor and advocate for
the poor, I believe President Obama understands the immense importance
of the rule of law, protection of civil liberties and human rights and
the need to restrain those who abuse their powers and sneer at the rule
of law. I think the community activist side of him will be more visible
in his second term.
Ask Not What Obama Can Do for Ethiopia, But…
of us make the mistake of asking what President Obama can do for us.
The right question is what we can do for Ethiopia by organizing,
mobilizing and lobbying the Obama Administration to establish and pursue
a firm human rights agenda. In his victory speech on election night
President Obama said, “The role of citizen in our democracy does not end
with your vote. America’s never been about what can be done for us.
It’s about what can be done by us together through the hard and
frustrating, but necessary work of self-government.” Governor Romney in
his concession speech said, “At a time like this we can’t risk partisan
bickering and political posturing. Our leaders have to reach across the
aisle to do the people’s work, and we citizens also have to rise to
occasion.” These are the principles Ethiopian Americans, and others in
the Diaspora and at home, should embrace and practice. It should be time
for a fresh start. We should learn from past mistakes and begin to
organize and reach out in earnest to the Obama Administration. Many
groups have had success with the Administration in advancing their
causes including Arab Americans, Iranian Americans, Armenian Americans,
Macedonian Americans, Serbian Americans and many others. As human rights
activists and advocates, we should demand engagement by senior U.S.
officials and diplomats on human rights issues.
The U.S. knows how
to apply pressure on dictators who have been “friends”. In the 1980s,
the U.S. played a central role in the transition of the Philippines,
Chile, Taiwan, and South Korea from dictatorship to democracy. The
United States also kept human rights agenda front and center when it
conducted negotiations with the Soviet Union and other Soviet-bloc
countries. The question is not whether the U.S. can advance a vigorous
human rights agenda in Ethiopia or Africa, but if it has the political
will to do so. I am hopeful that will will manifest itself in President
Obama’s second term.
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